Thursday, September 23, 2010
Things Erica Would Rather Do Than Mow The Lawn:
1. Get punched in the gut every morning at 10am for 30 years.
2. Suddenly develop an allergic reaction to beer (for the record I’d still drink it, it would just be crappy).
3. Never be able to find a pen when I need one.
4. Fall down a flight of stairs, but not be injured, just be super embarrassed.
5. Never ever be able to say the words/phrase: “awesome”, “delicious”, “lickable” and “it’s not even my birthday!”
6. Only have a birthday once every 2 years for the rest of my life, but still age in the appropriate manner.
7. Only be able to wear brown shoes for 3 years straight.
8. Step in dog poop so thoroughly that it goes in between all ten toes and makes an ooooozing sound.
9. Gain 9 lbs.
10. Run into all the major exs every day for 5 months and every time they are with someone prettier, funnier and more accomplished than me and I’m doing something embarrassing like picking my nose.
11. Have “California Girls” play continuous for 1 week.
12. Give up coffee. Forever.
13. Fall into a giant vat of glitter.
14. See Glee get cancelled. Yes. I hate mowing the grass that much. Of course they would have to finish out the second season because it’s already started.
15. Knit a sweater.
This is not the end. I’m just pausing.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sorry for the delay
Sorry for the delay after the posting below. All went well with seeing Jack.
I picked up some magazines(Parenthood, Glamour & a Ford Mustang) along with some snacks, some balloons and a pineapple at the grocery store before I picked Chris up from work around 8:30. Then we picked up some Sonic for the hungry parents and attempted to sneak in/sweet talk the security guard to get into the hospital after visiting hours. You wouldn't believe how many doors and intercoms we had to get access to even get into the hallway where the rooms were. Chris and I did have a laugh about the "Birth Unit" sign when we walked by. I don't know why it was funny...I just could imagine someone saying to me " are ready! We are taking you to the *Dun Dun Dun* birthing unit." We got there around 9 and stayed till 11:30. Regina was a champion. She not only sat and held a conversation with us but she let us hold Jack the entire time. I was telling Chris on the way home how I probably will be extremely clingy when I have our first baby. I would just want to stare at it. Chris really shocked me with his reaction when he first saw Jack. He started getting really emotional and couldn't stop smiling while he held him. I've always known he was going to make a amazing dad but seeing him like that really touched me. I can't wait to have his children and be able to see the love in his eyes when he holds them.

It's a touching experience meeting your friends first child. I won't ever forget it. I do understand the baby fever everyone talks about after holding somebody's baby. Reality set in the next morning when I was laying in bed thanking my lucky stars that I still have a few more years. I like my me time.