Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Introducing Jack Pion

I met Brent when I was 14 and in 9th grade at the public library. He was sitting next to me at the computer area messing around on random sites with Chris(before we started dating) while I was trying to do a report for school. I remember thinking Chris was really cute but he didn't say much. Brent did most of the talking. They ended up following me around the library and Brent told me he had a really expensive car outside which I followed up with..."Then why are you using the public library computers?" He was all talk. I saw them both the next week at school and I was shocked to see that they didn't really remember me. I give Chris a hard time about this even today.

Anyway when I started dating Chris in 2005 in the beginning of Senior year Brent was always hanging at Chris's house when I came over. I've mentioned the story to them in the past and they still don't remember but I'm positive it was them. As Senior year progressed and Chris and I became more serious I started hanging out with Brent all the time. Sometimes he would even drop Chris and I off at school in the morning. He ended up moving in with Chris and his parents during the middle of senior year and from then on the 3 of us were inseparable. When Chris and I would skip school we would skip at his house with Brent. We played countless amounts of board games and watched tons of movies. I even went to my first Planetfest concert with him.

Over the years we have hung out but we sort of fell out of touch last year after his mom passed away. He took it really hard and began partying a lot more than Chris and I were used to. In August we caught back up and in just a year things have changed for him drastically. When we talked in August he was not only engaged but was going to be a daddy in December.

On September 4, 2009 he married Regina. He made us so proud when he asked Chris and Garrett to be in the wedding and asked me to coordinate things. Regina is perfect for him. I've got to know her over the past couple of months and you can tell how much she loves him and how great of a wife and mother she is going to be. Brent has been a doting husband and daddy to be. They have had a rough start but I can tell that they are going to be a very happy family.

Today, December 30th, Jack was born into this world at 12:19PM. I get to see him tonight and I am so happy for them both. I'll post pictures tomorrow after I get to see him.

Here is a little preview:

I'm proud to announce Jack Pion.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gotta Quit These.

I think I've been relying on these babies way too much.

Stress does that to you.

It makes you want to attach to something that helps with the anxiety.

Somehow these help.

But they smell like crap and they are getting quite expensive.

Everyone finds something to balance out the stress...whats yours?

Strange Day

Work is stressful. Money is tight. I'm feeling a bit hopeless.

I know everything is going to be ok in the end. But...its days like these I wish I were in bed.

Or in a dank tent hiding from reality.

Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 Resolutions

2010 is going to be a different year for New Years Resolutions. Erica and I came up with a great idea to keep us focused on completing our list and feeling accomplished at the end of 2010. We are dividing our list into 4s. Every 3 months we are going to come back to our list and cross out what we wanted to do in those last 3 months and add the things we didn't do to the new list along with new resolutions for the next 3 months. I think this will keep us focused on doing everything we want this year instead of a long list that I don't end up checking 1/2 off.

I think one of the worst things about the end of the year is when you randomly find your crumpled up list from the beginning of the year. When you are reading it you can sense all the hope you put into the list that this year was going to be different. This year you would cross everything off and then you realize that you can probably only cross 3 or 4 things off your list of 100 and defeat sets in.

So in hopes that that 2010 is going to rock my socks off here is my 3 month list.

January-March 2010 Resolution List

1. Figure out my laundry monster and create a system.- On my list every year.
2. Hang something on the walls of my room.
3. Train and follow through with the 15K Gate River Run.
4. Start cooking more.
5. Find homes for the kittens.
6. Get caught up on my credit card payments(yikes.) and create a snowball debt system.
7. Speak with a college adviser about getting enrolled in college again.
8. Put the fence up in our back yard.
9. Take my vitamins everyday.
10. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
11. Keep my car clean.
12. Celebrate the big "22" in style.
13. Do something fun and romantic for Valentines Day this year.
14. Educate myself more for work.
15. Be a better employee.
16. Spend more time with my family.

Alright. Well its not terribly long and its all easy stuff that I can do.

Whats a New Year Resolution that goes on your list every year?

My 1st Official Post

I started this blog this summer when my best friend, Erica and I decided that we should jump into the blogging world with both feet. As you can see its the end of December and I'm posting my first post. Procrastination is one of my strongest strengths. But as 2010 rolls around I'm attempting to eliminate this stupid procrastination sickness and go for my goals.

I've had a blog since my days working at the Times Union (2006ish) where I would update on the random with pictures and sometimes videos but I wanted something new. Something where I not only post about my life but I post about things that inspire. I want 2010 to be a year of inspiration. Where I start doing the things that take my breath away...especially photography. I love taking pictures and I love looking at all the lovely photos on other peoples blogs. Plus my other blog sometimes turned into a bitch fest where I listed everything crappy thing going on and only when I felt hopeless and wanted to write. My postings were long and most likely boring. So along with a new year...will come a new blog.

Let me introduce myself to anyone reading:

My name is Moneek.
I'm a fair skin redhead from the sunny state Florida.
I live with the 3 people who mean the most to me in this world-my boyfriend, Chris; little brother- Garrett (he isn't so little anymore at 19) and best friend in the entire world, Erica.
I have 2 dogs that go anywhere I can take them with me(including work). E.V. & Zoey.
I work for my family roofing company as the office manager.

To the New Year!!
Bring on 2010. I'm ready. :)