2010 is going to be a different year for New Years Resolutions. Erica and I came up with a great idea to keep us focused on completing our list and feeling accomplished at the end of 2010. We are dividing our list into 4s. Every 3 months we are going to come back to our list and cross out what we wanted to do in those last 3 months and add the things we didn't do to the new list along with new resolutions for the next 3 months. I think this will keep us focused on doing everything we want this year instead of a long list that I don't end up checking 1/2 off.
I think one of the worst things about the end of the year is when you randomly find your crumpled up list from the beginning of the year. When you are reading it you can sense all the hope you put into the list that this year was going to be different. This year you would cross everything off and then you realize that you can probably only cross 3 or 4 things off your list of 100 and defeat sets in.
So in hopes that that 2010 is going to rock my socks off here is my 3 month list.
January-March 2010 Resolution List
1. Figure out my laundry monster and create a system.- On my list every year.
2. Hang something on the walls of my room.
3. Train and follow through with the 15K Gate River Run.
4. Start cooking more.
5. Find homes for the kittens.
6. Get caught up on my credit card payments(yikes.) and create a snowball debt system.
7. Speak with a college adviser about getting enrolled in college again.
8. Put the fence up in our back yard.
9. Take my vitamins everyday.
10. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
11. Keep my car clean.
12. Celebrate the big "22" in style.
13. Do something fun and romantic for Valentines Day this year.
14. Educate myself more for work.
15. Be a better employee.
16. Spend more time with my family.
Alright. Well its not terribly long and its all easy stuff that I can do.
Whats a New Year Resolution that goes on your list every year?
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